Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. OPERATION WILLIAM TELL, TYNDALL AFB, FLORIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER - 6 NOVEMBER 1958


Records of U.S. Air Force Commands, Activities, and Organizations. 1900 - 2003. Moving Images Relating to Military Aviation Activities. 1947 - 1984. OPERATION WILLIAM TELL, TYNDALL AFB, FLORIDAY, 26 SEPTEMBER - 6 NOVEMBER 1958


Summary: Coverage of the interceptor phase of the 1958 World Wide Weapons Meet, Project William Tell, showing Air Defense Command Interceptor and Florida Air National Guard Squadrons flying F-86D's, F-86L's, F-89J's and F-102A, armed with Falcon missiles, Douglas MB-1 Genies, and Mighty Mouse 2.75 FFAR rockets used to intercept Ryan Q-2A Firebee drones released from GB-26C carriers. Other aircraft shown include H-21's, C-121, F-101's, C-119, C-123's, F-104's, F-106B, B-57, KC-135, Canadian Comet 1A, the F-100 Thunderbird acrobatic team, and IM-99 Bomarc, and an SM-62 Snark. Scenes show a Q-2A drone descending, hitting water and being recovered by an H-21 with pilot in contact with GCI operator and radar; Q-2A assembly line scenes; and a Q-2A and F-102 parked on flight line at Tyndall AFB, Florida. Reel 2: Scenes of WADF F-86's flying over, landing, parking, and pilots debarking; USAF personnel unloading from a C-121 and getting into a bus; names written on F-86's, The Vomit Comet and Shanghai Jew; F-89J's flying over, taxiing, and being parked; a GB-26C with Ryan Q-2A Firebee drone under right wing, taxiing. Pan shots from control tower to parked F-86's, F-102's, F-89's, H-21's, C-119's, and C-123's. Reel 3: AV's of a small USAF crash boat enroute to recover the Q-2A. Reel 4: Scenes showing Lt. Gen. Clarence S. Irvine, USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Materiel debarking an F-106B and being greeted by Lt. Gen. Roy H. Lynn, Vice Commander ADC; F-104, F-89J, F-86, F-102, F-101, F-106B aircraft, a Q-2A drone, an IM-99 Bomarc, a GAR-2 Falcon and a MB-1 Genie; a Q-2A released from a GB-26C; a GB-26C and a B-57, with drones attached, taxiing; takeoffs of F-102's, F-89's, and F-101 and an F-106; F-86L, and F-102 aircraft taxiing and an F-102 in flight; and USAF mechanics working on a Q-2A. Reel 5: Scenes show pilots entering F-86 cockpits and the aircraft taxiing; an F-86L Florida ANG aircraft; an F-89J with an attached MA-1 (training version of MB-1 Genie), and the Thunderbird F-100's taxiing; the arrival of Lt. Gen. Frederic H. Smith, Jr., Commander ATC; F-102's, F-104, F-106B, SM-62 Snark, Genie MB-1, several 2.75 in. FFAR, GAR-2, GAR-8 Sidewinder missiles on display; night scenes of 3555th FIS personnel replacing an F-86L afterburner; GB-26 with two attached Q-2A's in flight followed by an F-102 chase plane; the Q-2A and an F-102 in flight. Reel 6: Shows Col. Robert Dawson, team captain of the Florida ANG 125th Fighter Group and high individual scorer of the meet, with his family, holding his trophy; band performing and airmen and civilians standing by. Officers shown during the presentation are Gen. Earle E. Partridge, Commander North American Air Defense Command, Lt. Gen. Dean C. Strothers, Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations, Lt. Gen. Roy Lynn, Vice Commander ADC, Brig. Gen. Robert G. White, Assistant Adjutant General of Florida ANG, Maj. Gen. Mark W. Lance, Adjutant General of Florida ANG, and Maj. Gen. Winston P. Wilson, Chief of Air Division National Guard Bureau. Scenes show parked F-102's with names, Mormon Meteor X and Friar Tuck; F-102's parked, taxiing, taking off, and on landing roll; four B-57's in right echelon formation approaching the camera and peeling off to left; a Canadian Comet 1A transport taxiing and on takeoff run; Gen. Partridge inspecting the color guard and departing in an automobile; an F-89 fly-by and an F-86 on landing roll. This reel also includes the following scene by scene description of F-100 Thunderbird acrobatics: 24' LS to MLS, low angle, pan left with Thunderbirds flying by in diamond formation. 30' MLS to ELS, pan right with one Thunderbird flying by. 36' LS to MLS to LS pan right with Thunderbirds in diamond formation performing a complete roll during fly-by -- spectators in fg. 50' MLS to LS F-100 performing an aileron roll. 57' MLS F-100's in diamond formation flying by the the left. 62' MLS to ELS one F-100 performing aileron rolls during fly-by to the right. 72' MLS F-100 flying by to the left upside down. 80' MS to ELS Thunderbird in right echelon formation flying by right. Reel 7: Scenes of the arrival of Lt. Gen. Strother via KC-135; Col. R. V. Spencer entering and debarking F-102; the Mormon Meteor X; F-102 fly-by to left; an Eastern Air Defense Force F-89 taking off; three F-102's breaking formation for landing and on landing roll; Air Marshal C. R. Slemon, RCAF, boarding the Comet 1A and a simulated arrival scene of the Air Marshal. Reel 8: Shows ground control intercept (GCI) personnel, radar operator, and equipment during an intercept run. Reel 9: Scenes show F-104's, F-102's, and F-86's taking off over camera; high angle of several parked F-102's; an F-102, an F-86 and F-89's taxiing, on-board camera footage of a pilot and the ground below; USAF crash boat number R-37A-1272 recovering a Q-2A from the water; and Florida ANG personnel performing maintenance on F-86D's. Reel 10: Scenes show a small USAF crash boat recovering a Q-2A from the bay, airmen recovering the parachute from the beach, and an H-21 recovering the Q-2A from a beach; an F-86 with the inscription, THIS IS TABLE NO. 1, taxiing; an F-102 deploying drag chute on landing roll; an F-86 named, Miss H. P. Malone, taxiing and taking off; LS of a Q-2A descending and hitting beach; an H-21 landing; Florida ANG mechanics performing maintenance on an F-86F; a Q-2A in flight; Navy skin divers boarding and jumping from an H-21 into the water to search for a drone; and an H-21 taking off and in flight. Reel 11: On-board camera footage of a pilot and the ground below; Florida ANG Rocket Team mechanics removing an F-86D vertical stabilizer and performing other aircraft maintenance; AV's of parked F-89's, F-86's, and F-102's on flight line; USAF crash boat recovering Q-2A; two airmen rigging a Q-2A for pick up and an H-21 carrying a Q-2A drone. Reel 12: Scenes show a revolving radar antenna and a dome covered structure. Good (Basic: Orig neg)

eng, Latn


SNAC Resource ID: 6497149

National Archives at College Park

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